Thursday, March 7, 2013

Shadowmarch by Tad Williams

Shadowmarch: Shadowmarch: Volume IShadowmarch by Tad Williams is the first of the 4 books in the Shadowmarch series. This is classic high fantasy, with court intrigue, swordplay, magic and mythical races. It took a while to plod through the first two thirds of the book but the ending was fairly satisfying. Its pretty mundane fare as far as this genre goes but the character development is sound, if slow.

It took me a couple of months to get through the book so I'm in no hurry to start on the second book, but it is definitely on my to read pile. Now that the table has been set there will probably be more plot-driven action to enjoy. If a concluding book to the series ever comes out I'll make more of an effort to play catch-up.

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